Die Messer-Attacke von Aschaffenburg hat eine politische Debatte ausgelöst. Friedrich Merz fordert fundamentale Änderungen ...
"Victory means restoring territorial integrity with a democratically legitimate government exercising full sovereignty," ...
Die Union will nach der Messerattacke in Aschaffenburg kommende Woche im Bundestag Verschärfungen in der Migrationspolitik ...
Friedrich Merz, the leader of the German opposition and the CDU/CSU (Union) parliamentary group, as well as a candidate for ...
Schrei-Eklat an der renommierten Freien Universität in Berlin-Dahlem um CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneten Philipp Amthor (32)!
Das Sauerland ist eine eigenwillige Region: ein Bergidyll wenige Kilometer östlich des Ruhrgebiets. Aber ist die Welt hier noch in Ordnung? Ein Gang an die frische Luft gibt Aufschluss.
As the exhibit opens its doors to Ukrainian refugees for free, Germany’s frontrunner for chancellor says Ukraine must win the ...
Friedrich Merz, the German Christian Democratic Union's candidate for Chancellor ahead of the February parliamentary elections, promises to rebuild trust in Berlin's international relations. The ...
Berlin blames Bavaria. Bavaria blames Berlin. With migrants suspected in several deadly attacks, German politicians are jostling for position with calls to reform migration ahead of February's federal ...
Ukraine must win the war against Russia, regain lost territory and be free to join military alliances, Friedrich Merz, ...
Germany’s opposition leader vowed Thursday to bar people from entering the country without proper papers and to step up deportations if he is elected chancellor next month, as a knife attack by a ...
German opposition leader Friedrich Merz outlines plans to restore trust with key allies and enhance Germany's assertiveness globally. His vision includes better coordination of national security and ...