Indonesia menjadi negara dengan kasus keracunan alkohol terbanyak di dunia. Apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mencegah ...
People with mental health conditions wait the longest in emergency out of any patient type. But psychiatrist shortages and a ...
We live in a realm of opposites, a place where good and evil, spirit and matter, faith and reason, and carnal lust, exist ...
Raja Ampat menjadi lokasi pertemuan manta karang dan manta oseanik. Boleh jadi ada perkawinan campuran di sini, meski kemungkinannya masih perlu dibuktikan.
There are signifiant advantages to being tall on a tennis court, due to some fascinating physics and biomechanics.
Outgoing United States president Joe Biden has warned ‘an oligarchy is taking shape in America’. What is an oligarchy? And is ...
The ‘Martian dichotomy’ is one of the Solar System’s greatest mysteries – but new research in closing in on a solution.
Gejala infeksi virus HMPV menyerupai flu biasa, seperti batuk, demam, pilek, dan sesak napas. Hingga saat ini, belum ada ...
The Antarctic ice sheet is nearly twice the area of Australia and holds enough freshwater to raise global sea levels by 58 ...
The largest exporting province rejecting a ‘Team Canada’ approach against Donald Trump doesn’t position the country well to ...
¿Hay una manera más eficaz de aprender que 7 veces 8 son 56 que no sea saberlo de memoria? Existen métodos y trucos para un ...
Aunque Bad Bunny siempre ha ejercido el activismo político en su carrera musical, con su último álbum reivindica el papel de su hogar, Puerto Rico.