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The London Assembly Economy, Culture and Skills Committee has published its report - London’s Night-Time Economy - supporting calls for the live music industry to introduce a voluntary levy on arena ...
I am writing to you together and copying relevant senior officers to raise my concerns about the ongoing and worsening impacts of the closure of the Greenway to people walking, wheeling and cycling in ...
Please will you provide me with (a) credible documentary evidence of the "existing agreements, actions or legislation" which guarantee a London bus driver's right "to be treated with dignity and ...
This London Assembly Research Unit paper provides an overview of the development of the Silvertown Tunnel, a new river-crossing in east London connecting North Greenwich to Silvertown, due to open in ...
The London Assembly Economy, Culture and Skills Committee has today published its report - London’s Night-Time Economy - supporting calls for the live music industry to introduce a voluntary levy on ...
London’s St Patrick’s Day parade and Trafalgar Square celebrations to take place on Sunday 16 March Londoners and visitors can look forward to a free, family-friendly afternoon of entertainment in the ...
Developed by the Mayor of London and London Councils, the London Growth Plan is a blueprint for turbocharging productivity in the capital. It aims to restore productivity growth to an average of two ...
MD3307 Extension of the Mayor’s No Wrong Door Initiative ...
The Economy, Culture and Skills Committee examines and reports on matters relating to economic development, culture, skills, sport and tourism in London, and leads on scrutiny of any actions or ...
The City Hall building is powered by electricity which also includes heating, there is no gas on site. The cost of electricity to date invoiced for 24-25 financial year is £322,878 excluding VAT. It ...
MOPAC commissions a range of support services and interventions for victims and witnesses of crime in London, and for individuals at risk of becoming involved in crime. This page provides details for ...