Christian communities in the West Bank, Gaza, and Jerusalem say the situation for them has worsened under the current ...
What the Bible and history tell us about the claim that God gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants.
"Gaza and Judea are an ancient story spanning generations, dating back to the time of the Bible," says Shapira. "Jews lived in Gaza and ruled Gaza periodically. There has not been a single ...
Palestinian pastor Isaac (The Other Side of the Wall) offers an impassioned indictment of Western faith communities’ lackluster response to the conflict in Gaza ... uses the Bible to justify ...
Patriarch Theophilos III, Patriarch of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All of Palestine and Jordan, has noted fears the ...
Mr. Mishra describes Israel’s actions in Gaza as “industrial-scale slaughter ... (Said’s “Orientalism,” published in 1978, is still the bible for postcolonial progressive hysterics.) ...