[Barry] sent us a tip about a video from [electronupdate], describing an experimental cell phone charger. It’s a familiar issue: Your cell phone battery is low, and you aren’t in a position to ...
This human powered cell phone charger is a great example. Using just a few ordinary around the house items, [The King of Random] turned a cordless electric drill into a human powered electrical ...
These portable devices, which you charge from a wall outlet, are typically used with small devices like phones, tablets, or ...
The Anker 335 Charger (67W) is a triple port wall plug that offers speedy charging for your phones, tablets, laptops and more. Something that I loved about this charger, right off the bat ...
Most phones don't come with chargers in the box. You'll have to buy one sooner or later, and the choice isn't always as straightforward as we wish. You can get what the manufacturer sells or pick ...