The Megadungeon Megabundle has enough Dungeons and Dragons and Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures to last a lifetime, and then ...
Each of the adventure booklets offer tips on how to engage with players and the world, and how to establish a rhythm of play, plus encouragement that everyone sitting at the table should try their ...
With the new wave of core rulebooks out, Wizards of the Coast wants D&D's latest Starter Set to introduce players to even more aspects of the game than usual.
Well, good news for us people who are bad at appreciating dragons—D&D's first post-revamp adventure set'll be about, uh, D&D. Specifically, dragons and dungeons. Dubbed Dragon Delve, and ...
Pack Smartly: Just like preparing your inventory ... and step into a realm where magic comes to life. The adventure awaits. DnD conventions are large gatherings where fans of Dungeons & Dragons ...
The fan-created Dungeons & Dragons LEGO set is available now - along with a custom campaign centered on its red dragon.